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How to use these books

-You can read the book aloud to your child and model how you read the title of the book, any summary or reviews, copyright date, etc., how you track the words and read left to right and top to bottom. 

-You can use your finger to point to the word you are reading to show the child which word you are reading and what the word looks like. Every so often you can see if the child can look at the word you said and say it out loud to you while looking at the printed word.

-You can have your child say the question at the top of each page and point to each word that is being read.

-You can listen to your child read to you and ask questions to check comprehension.


Be Creative and Have Fun!

-You can think of other sentences to say to find other objects in the photos besides the cat and dog.

-You can use other creative adjectives and adverbs to describe the cats and dogs in the photos in sentences. 

-You can do the fill in the blank and drawing activity at the end of the book together and describe your pictures out loud to each other. 

-You can check out the free, enrichment activities for each book below to help strengthen comprehension and vocabulary connecting to your home, school and outside.

Click on each book cover below to get free, enrichment activities that go along with each book that helps strengthen vocabulary and comprehension by connecting reading at home, school and outside. This will also create a lifelong love of learning and connection to each other.

Find the Cat and More Volume 1.jpg
Describe the Cat.jpg
What Does the Cat See_.jpg
Find the Cat and More Volume 2.jpg
Describe the Dog.jpg
When Does the Cat Eat, Sleep, Play and More_.jpg
Find the Cat and More Volume 3.jpg
How Does the Cat Act.jpg
What is the Dog Doing Image.jpg
Where is the Dog_.jpg
How Does the Dog Act.jpg
What are the Dogs Doing_.jpg
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